
2011 JC HOA Dues
Posted on Jan 31st, 2011

Jacksons Creek Homeowners Association
2011 Annual Assessment Statement
2011 Homeowners’ Association Assessment is due as follows:
Annual Homeowners’ Dues $475.00
Early Payment Discount for dues paid by March 1, 2011 (25.00)
Total amount due if Postmarked before March 1, 2011 $450.00
Please note the $25.00 discount only applies if the dues are postmarked prior to March 1, 2011. Any dues postmarked after March 1, 2011 will be charged the full rate of $475.00 and must be paid prior to May 1, 2011. Dues unpaid by May 1, 2011 will be turned over to an association appointed attorney for collection. Special request for hardship payment scheduling should be made to the address below prior to March 1, 2011.
Please mail your dues to:
Jacksons Creek Homeowners Association (JCHOA)
P.O. Box 70112
Marietta, GA 30007
Include your name, address, amount enclosed; $450 before 3/1/11; $475 before 5/1/11, after 3/1/11